Winter has been brutal and now it's your time to enjoy the warm sun. Be sure to use sunscreen.
#IAN1 #IARTG #SurfSunLifeguard #DangerousSexyandBloody #DarkActionAdventure #IntenseFictionThriller #UnimaginableLoveStory #Escapethenorm #Original

Fix your beach lounge to that perfect position and relax to the sounds of the splashing surf. Feels good, doesn’t it? And what’s a day at the beach without a good book.
Your friends warned you this one would rest on the backside of your eyelids causing you many a restless night. That’s what excited you. Before you step into this unimaginable journey, you take a much-needed sip of your mojito.
Now you're ready for something different. Something dangerous. Something sexy. Something original.
It's a good thing you strategically found a spot next to that gorgeous, tan lifeguard. You may need to be saved. You offer him a glance with a subtle smile. But he's busy watching the swimmers through his binoculars. Give it time. He'll notice you.
You position the umbrella over you. You take another sip of that mojito before you carefully open DAY ONE: Birth is a death sentence. An intense Fiction Thriller.
Welcome to a world where the parallel of two unlikely universes—the chilling traditions of the Comanche Tribe and the ruthless code of the Sicilian Mafia—mysteriously intersect.
It's time you meet Kachada Toscano.
DAY ONE: Birth is a death sentence is the first of a three-part series available in Epub, Paperback, and Hardcover at Amazon, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, and Google Books.
To learn more about Kachada and the author visit